Using Fiverr "Credit" Towards Purchasing A Gig, You cannot withdraw money.

You cannot withdraw cancel order money with paypal.

If you've ordered a gig, and cancelled, or asked for a refund... then you have $X as Fiverr Credit to use towards future purchases. And nope, it doesn't go back to your PayPal account... so be careful!!

If you want to use your Fiverr Credit for a gig you want to buy, consider the following:
Fiverr Credit will be used ONLY if you order a gig for UP TO the value of your Fiverr Credit. If you purchase an amount over the value of your Fiverr Credit, the system will send you directly to PayPal.

For example:
Let's say you have $10 as Fiverr Credit, and you want to purchase a gig that's worth $20.
If you want to use up your Fiverr Credit towards that purchase, you CANNOT order $20 all at once, because the system will send you directly to PayPal, and your Fiverr Credit will remain intact.

To use up your Fiverr Credit, you need to order 1 gig for $10 (this will use up your credit), and then another gig for $10 (this will direct you to PayPal).

Contact me at, you will order my gig and I will send you the difference via Paypal, as soon as it clears. For obvious reason I cannot display the gig here.

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  3. Thank you so much for the info!
    Your post has motivated me to work harder on increasing my gig sales! Please check out my latest gig!



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